Develop Future-Ready Leaders

Leadership is maximizing our positive impact on the world by becoming our best, fully authentic selves and supporting those around us to break past barriers and step into their greatness.

Are you ready to level up your leader/people development strategy?

In their book Mastering Leadership, Robert Anderson and William Adams describe two games of leadership:

The Inner Game

a.k.a. our Inner Operating System
This consists of what drives us; our internal beliefs and assumptions that make up our identity and guide our actions; our meaning-making system that we use to make sense of the world; how we analyze and make decisions; and our level of self-awareness and emotional intelligence.

The Outer Game

a.k.a. Leadership Practices
This consists of our domain knowledge, experience, managerial capability, leadership competencies, and behavior.

Although the outer game is where most of us spend most of our time (and it is important), the inner game runs the outer game. Most approaches to development and change focus on the outer game; consequently, the results tend to be mediocre at best and short-lived. Sustainability requires tending to the messiness to strengthen the inner game FIRST and then refine the outer game so we’re equipping people to navigate the complexities the world demands of us.

From group and team-based programs to individual assessments and coaching, we leverage our core tools and programs to customize a development solution that will help your formal and informal leaders be future-ready.

Group-Based Development

Our group-based programs can be customized and delivered to mixed groups or intact leadership teams. All of our programs are designed with adult learning principles in mind and are multiple sessions with practical application exercises to be completed between sessions. We also include post-program sustainability support with reinforcement communication and checklists.

Building a Cohesive Leadership Team (BACLT)

Designed for leadership teams who need to collaborate and support others in aligning with the organization’s purpose and achieving business goals. BACLT focuses on the parameters necessary to build organizational health, become a cohesive team, and move from armored to daring leadership.

Dare to Lead™

This program is based on the past 12+ years of research by Dr. Brené Brown. For intact leadership teams, it includes pre-assessments on the team’s current state of trust and daring leadership to guide the work and then guides teams through building four skills of courage. Leaders completing the full 24-hour program also have the option to gain access to the Daring Teams Rollout Program to bring this work to their direct team.

Becoming a Daring Leader (BADL)

A hybrid program combining key content from BACLT and Dare to Lead™ designed to help leadership teams build courage skills and aspects necessary for organizational health. It also includes a parallel process where each leader engages in individual Immunity to Change coaching in between group sessions.


Quality assessments are a great tools for enhancing self-awareness, letting us know when we have strengths to leverage (and the pitfalls of over or misusing those strengths), helping us understand our gaps and where we get in our own way, and can provide a roadmap for our development. We use a variety of assessments to help guide your development journey, including:

WHY.os Discovery

Uncovers WHY you do what you do, HOW you bring your WHY to life, and WHAT people can count on you for. This discovery is a key starting point before using other assessments, as it helps you understand the assessment results better in the context of how they help you serve your WHY Operating System.


An assessment with the highest predictive validity that measures your reputation or how others are likely to see you in terms of your everyday behaviors, your behaviors when you’re under stress and pressure, and what motivates you.

Judgment Index™

A highly validated assessment that measures how your thinking patterns show up in your judgments and the choices you make – at work and in your personal life – and potential frustration triggers.

The Leadership Circle Profile™

A unique 360 tool that connects a well-researched batter of competencies with the underlying and motivating habits of thought to help illuminate leader effectiveness and specifically target development efforts. A group profile can also be run to see your collective leadership strengths and gaps.

The Six Types of Working Genius

A practical assessment specific to how you approach work; by understanding your working geniuses, working competencies and working frustrations, you are better able to create opportunities for meaning and fulfillment in your work and minimize frustrations.

Individual Coaching

We all have gaps and shadow areas that can get in our way of having the impact we desire in our lives. These gaps can only be illuminated with a trusted partner who can support and challenge us in ways we can’t on our own. This is where coaching comes into play. Every coaching engagement is unique and is based on what you’re wanting to accomplish; our clients typically engage in work to help them move past being safe and small so they can step into their greatness and have the impact they desire.

Whether coaching is being used proactively as part of a development plan to accelerate growth and performance or to remedy problems and challenges, we have found that in order to truly make progress on your goals, it takes approximately 10-13 sessions. Coaching sessions are typically every other week for 60 minutes, and can be conducted in-person or via videoconference.

We leverage a variety of coaching certifications and tools to guide the coaching process. Most clients rave about how transformative their coaching experience was – both professionally and personally. Our coaching typically focuses on leveraging the following methodologies:

Intrinsic Coaching®

Focuses on eliciting your best thinking so you can make better choices and realize your potential.

Immunity to Change™ Coaching

A highly validated process developed by Drs. Bob Kegan and Lisa Lahey from Harvard. It helps people identify their psychological immune system and underlying assumptions that get in their way of making progress on goals and keeps them stuck in self-limiting behaviors.

Are you ready to develop your leaders to lead more courageously and authentically?
We'd love to discuss how to customize a solution for you!


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