Ensure a Strong Foundation

For development to be relevant and meaningful, it needs to link to a foundation of agreed-upon principles that align with your organization’s purpose and values.

Guiding Principles of Leadership

For focused development efforts to be successful, they must align with the organization’s purpose and values. Formal people leaders profoundly shape how employees experience the culture each day. Therefore, it is critical to have agreed-upon principles to act as guideposts for how leaders must behave (i.e., what it means to “walk the talk” within the organization). 

We work with you to clarify and articulate guiding principles of leadership to serve as an anchor and shape how formal people leaders create the conditions to realize your organization’s purpose (WHY) and core values daily. In a half-to-full-day session, we facilitate the process that defines and prioritizes your leadership philosophy and guiding principles. After establishing your guiding principles, we advise how to roll out and communicate them to intentionally leverage your leadership philosophy in your talent strategy. 

Leadership Practices

Once you have clarity of your organization’s purpose, core values, and leadership guiding principles, it becomes easier to determine what practices (i.e., skills and competencies) are essential to support and nurture the culture the organization wants to create.

We work with you to define (or refine) crucial practices at each level within your organization so you can integrate them into your talent management strategy. 

Are you ready to solidify a strong foundation to develop, assess and guide your leaders?
We'd love to discuss how to customize a solution for you!


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