Clarify Purpose and Values

When you know your WHY, your WHAT has more impact.

The Golden Circle

Simon Sinek popularized the concept of “start with why” and uses what he calls the Golden Circle to show the importance of this concept.

Our WHY, HOW and WHAT make up our WHY.os (WHY Operating System). Most of us know WHAT we do; very few of us know WHY we do it. But when we get clear on our WHY and then HOW we need to show up to live into and further our why, our WHAT becomes easier. This is true for organizations and individuals.

Clarify Your WHY and Core Values

We can help you clarify your Golden Circle and establish clear behavioral guideposts to use as a filter for how you show up each day. This filter acts like a lighthouse – cutting through the fog to provide clarity and calm amid stormy VUCA waters to help you find a path forward and collectively meet your shared goals and objectives.

We also leverage the WHY.os discovery tool at the individual and team level to help your people know what makes them tick and how they can align with and serve the organization’s purpose in a meaningful way.

Are you ready to build and strengthen your organization's lighthouse?
We'd love to discuss how to customize a solution for you!


Use this PDF as a visual guide to see how well you are supporting The Fusion of organizational and employee wellbeing and what it takes to have a thriving workplace culture.

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