Our Blog
We share the latest insights, tips, and trends to support your leadership journey, cultivate a healthy workplace culture, and keep you and your business moving forward.
Navigating the Collision of Gen Z, AI, and Disruption: A Call to Lead with Humanity
It’s nearly impossible these days to avoid articles or news stories about the rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI). With all of the encouraging advancements that AI can bring also comes human emotions – many related to fear
The Value of Creating – and Nurturing – Fearless Environments
Are people in your organization showing up fully – meaning, are they speaking up and contributing their ideas and concerns? Or are they holding back? How would you even know? Well, if a recent survey by Crucial
Why Building a Lighthouse is Critical to Organizational Success (and how to do it)
Is your industry feeling the impacts of the never-ending disruptive environment that we are living in? A client last week commented on how their entire team was feeling the influence of an international conflict – and that
How to Nurture Change Across Your Organization
It is widely reported that approximately 70% of organizational change efforts fail. Yet, we keep falling into the trap of doing the same things over and expecting a different result. We have found that there are two
Why It’s Critical to Rethink & Reprioritize Leadership Development
According to new research by The Josh Bersin Company, leadership development has been ignored by companies in recent years—and it’s hurting their performance. The study, which spanned over two years, included interviews with more than 50 Chief
Language Shifts to Help Us Make Sense of Our Disruptive & Challenging World
Our words have power. As human beings, we are a meaning-making species; language helps us make sense of our experiences. When we don’t have accurate language, it impedes our ability to understand, process, and move through things.
Fostering Inclusivity and Psychological Safety in the Workplace: Building a Stronger, More Productive Team
In our rapidly changing and interconnected world, organizations are starting to recognize the critical importance of inclusivity and psychological safety in the workplace. Beyond simply promoting diversity, fostering an inclusive and psychologically safe environment is vital for
Fostering Clarity & Alignment in the Face of Change and Disruption
The American Psychological Association reported in 2022 that 87% of adults believe that there has been a constant stream of crises without a break since 2020. And this stress quickly bleeds into the workplace. Consequently, it’s not
What Icebergs Can Teach Us About Leadership
Most of us have likely heard of the iceberg analogy – where what we see on the surface is only about 10% of what is really going on beneath the surface (that we can’t see). In other
What Chocolate and Peanut Butter Have to Do with Leadership and Navigating Change
Chocolate and peanut butter by themselves are great. And yet, putting the two together is an entirely different experience (think Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups). You might think we have completely lost our minds, but bear with us
How to Intentionally Foster Resilient Individuals and Workplaces as We Settle into Our “Next Normal”: Book Club Session 4
During our fourth and final session of our virtual book club for Rehumanizing the Workplace, we convened to discuss lessons learned from the book and how we can apply what we’ve learned
During our third session of our virtual book club for Rehumanizing the Workplace, we convened to discuss what it takes for EVERYONE to show up as leaders in their lives and create deliberate practices to not leave workplace culture to chance.
For our second virtual book club, we convened to discuss what it takes to nurture a humanistic culture – at work (physically or virtually), on teams, and in our communities.
Pivoting and Adapting in the VUCA World: Book Club Session 1
A group of phenomenal people from 27 states and two countries joined our virtual book club to discuss Rehumanizing the Workplace. Enjoy this summary and key takeaways from our first session on adapting in the VUCA world.
Fostering Human Workplaces in Times of Uncertainty and Ambiguity
We regularly talk about how our VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous) world brings a new reality of living and working in an environment where disruption is the new norm. With all that is happening globally with
You Can’t Use a Paperclip to Solve Wellbeing Issues
In the show MacGyver, the lead character was known for creatively using objects and resources to help escape life-threatening situations. In one episode, he defused a bomb at the last second using a paperclip. Real life is
How to Become a Place Where Millennials Want to Work
In just five years, Millennials (those born between 1980 and 1995) will make up 40% of the workforce in America; in 10 years, they will comprise 75% of the workforce. If your organization wants to remain competitive,