Assess Leadership Bench Strength

Understanding the strength of your current leaders is essential to guide meaningful development and succession planning.

Knowledge of your leadership strengths and gaps is critical to effectively leading people and the organization into the future.

We work with you to develop and implement processes to assess current leaders (using the guiding principles of leadership and core leadership practices as a guide) to know where to leverage strengths, identify potential gaps, and create targeted development plans. We use two different approaches depending on your goals.

1. Assess Leadership Bench Strength

This approach provides an overall aggregated summary of your leaders. This is helpful when you want to evaluate all leaders (or a sub-section of leaders) to determine key strengths, gaps and retention risk.

You will better understand your overall leadership bench strength and where and how to focus development efforts.

A high level group summary is provided for the leaders assessed to help guide your next steps.

2. Guide Succession Planning

This approach is more in-depth and used to evaluate key leaders identified for consideration for future, larger leadership roles within the organization. When you want to thoughtfully determine the best likely candidate to succeed a current leader and intentionally shape their development to support their readiness for the next role, this is a helpful process.

In addition to the baseline assessment for how each leader is doing as it relates to your guiding principles of leadership and leadership practices, each leader completes several assessments (usually Hogan, Judgment Index, The Six Types of Working Genius, and The Leadership Circle Profile). A comprehensive profile and group summary is provided along with recommendations for development and next steps.

Are you ready to assess the strength of your leaders and create a thoughtful strategy for succession?
We'd love to discuss how to customize a solution for you!


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